


The Guinness Tour

Pictures from Ireland

British Museum


Natural History Museum

District Convention

Nora Mine

Swedish Bethel


Service and Lake

Fire and Water

Changing of the Guard and London Eye

London Bethel

Tower of London

Bible Tour, City, and BBQ

Ealing KH


  1. Ali says: "These pictures are so fascinating. I like them so much they creep me out. Some of them were scary and that's why they creeped me out. I liked everything." End of quote.
    Heidi says: No 14--why a dirty car? No 41--no idea what this is but wonderful modern art! No 46--Blythe with a buzz cut? No 47--Eric needing a hair cut?
    Zariq says: I liked de bones. And de eliphunns.

  2. The dirty car is a replica from a post-volcanic eruption. And no those other pictures aren't us. :-P

  3. All these picture our soo amazing! And alot are really pretty! Glad ur having fun:)

  4. You anonymous people are driving me crazy! haha

  5. Haha its Indya! I didnt know how to put my name >_<

  6. did you follow the instructions on the "How to post a Comment page" here

  7. Hmm no i didnt haha! But i did now. Newayss all ur guys pictures r really cool and glad u guys r having so much fun! :D

  8. Peter made me watch all these pictures. Now I am glad I did but I have a crook in my neck. That was a nice job guys!

  9. hey blythe! awesome blog...i bet ur having a blast. I miss hangin out, can't wait to see ya!

  10. just so were clear on this, orange and blue do match, plus there are orange stripes in the shorts. maybe you should check your facts before talking trash :P

  11. But you can't see the orange stripes!!!! So it still looks tacky!!!!!!!!!! How do orange and blue match. they r 2 totally different colors and they clash! i am so right on this trust me. if i was there i would beat you.

  12. Oh my orange and blue completely match. I have a new shirt/tie combo that is totally based on that. I guess America is just really far behind Europe in color matching.

  13. orange and blue are opposites on the color wheel, and therefore automatically work as a combination sofia. its true. so youre comment about them 'totally clashing' is invalid, im sorry. try again next time.

  14. well, i wasnt going to say anything here, but i feel like i want to stick up for sofia on this one...sometimes orange and blue work (with the right accessories lol) and sometimes they dont. now, in this particular case i think the orange is a little bright for the shorts, but if the alleged stripes are there, than it could work (sorry sofia) but in any event, since the stripes are not visible, i say sofia wins!

  15. According to (aka the most reputable source for colour matching on the planet) orange and blue do match


  16. yes they match, but not all the time! just in certain situations and i dont think this is one of those times, thats the only point im trying to make

  17. and when i looked at chacha, this is what i got "Orange and blue do not really match, but they can be worn together for a nice bold look" so i guess we can all win and call a truce lol

  18. i dont see why still but i guess we can call it a truce thanks amy for standing up for me!! at least someone has fashion sense in them!!:)

  19. I guess truce is fine. But when we wear orange and blue we look good so you all can just judge us in person then. Sound good?

  20. oh of course there will be judging in person lol and sofia, jennifer agreed with us too, so we got lots of fashionable ppl on our side :)


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