On Friday we took the tube to the Tower of London, an ancient fortress turned prison. (Turned tourist attraction. -Eric) We started out with a tour by one of the Yeoman Warders, one of the Royal Guards to the Queen who actually lives at the tower. He told us lots of stories, the tower wasn't a nice place to be if you were a prisoner. Then we went into White Tower, the main tower right in the middle. Inside was the Royal Armory as well as other artifacts collected over time. After that was a real cream tea, consisting of real English tea, Devonshire cream, and a fresh scone. We had planned to see the Crown Jewels, but the line was hundreds long, so we figured they weren't that special. We were able to walk around on top of the walls, which gave us great views of Tower Bridge. (When we were walking by Tower Bridge a boat was going through that required the bridge to be raised. So that was neat to watch. -Eric) We left the compoun
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d the short distance to London Bridge. I need to clear up some confusion here, the famous picture you always see is Tower Bridge, the one from the song is just a concrete structure. After that we ventured down to Oxford Street once more. (We were trying to get home at about 6. But it was very very crowded on Oxford Street on a Friday evening so they were actually closing down some tube stations because there were so many people! So we walked a lot further than we planned to and got home about an hour later than we were supposed to. -Eric)
I was surprised also when I went to London Bridge the first time. I thought Tower was the one the story/song was about.....learn something new every day :) cant wait to see you guys. Love Monc