

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday, London day 7

Wednesday we went out with a pioneer couple.  You're not going to believe this, but we actually got to ride in a car!  The territory was in Ealing, which is about a 25 minute walk, and the pioneer couple we were with had a car and decided to use it!  Only with great difficulty were we able to contain ourselves and not break out into song and dance.  (Doesn't sound like much but after walking you know probably literally at least 12 miles a day a car ride is amazing. -Eric) Michael is a former Bethelite and an MTS grad, Mercy is from Ghana,  and they're both regular pioneers.  The territory started above storefronts, with the doors on the back side.  Wasn't much interest here, and we moved on to a more residential area. Once again not much interest until at one of the last doors I had a nice conversation. Afterwards we went back home for a lunch.  The group met again at 2.  Michael was out again, and we couldn't believe our ears when we found out we would be riding in a car for the second time in one day.  We drove to one of the nicer neighborhoods in the area for more territory. I worked with a brother named John.  He is in his 70's, and is another one in the hall that struggles with stuttering.  He has difficulty with comments, but still gets at least one every meeting.  I was amazed, though, once we got to the door he was a totally different person.  Yes the speech was slow, but smooth and strong and convincing.  It really shows what speaking from the heart and relying on the Holy Spirit can do for person. (Like the Watchtower recently about how it is the Holy Spirit that is guiding the preaching and helping ones who have extreme shyness or other reasons that they would not want to do the preaching work. -Eric) The people in this neighborhood were friendly but overall not really searching.  We went back home again afterwards, this day had lots of stop and go.   Eric went out with a sister in the evening, and when he got back we played tennis till dark.  For the first time it was actually decent competition, I definitely wouldn't say we're good yet, but getting past the part of feeling sorry for the opponent if we hit it to hard.  (I think it because we had so much more energy from riding in the car a couple times that day. -Eric) Then we went to sleep in decent time (Like 1ish. -Eric) in preparation for the big plans we had for Thursday.

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